Saturday, March 10, 2012

2012 Explore park 10k

The Explore Park 10k was held Saturday March 3rd outside of Roanoke VA. The prior few days were sopping wet and most of the course was a soupy mess. The trail races in Roanoke are tough, good training and a welcome switch from the usual pavement race. Mountain Junkies is a local business ran by Dr. Josh Gilbert and his wife Gina and I must say, noone does a better job of race organizing. From their website, ease of registration, race series, tshirt design, quality of trails, race directing, awards and best of all PUMPKIN BREAD, they put on excellent events.
Soon into the race I was 3rd place and worked hard to overtake 2nd place after the first 5k mark. At mile 4 I took a pretty nasty spill in a muddy culvert but bounced right up. I had to refocus as this broke my concentration. At the end, I was over a minute behind the 1st place finisher (who ran for Geogia Tech) but felt good about my time considering the trail conditions and my health conditions over the last few months. Looking forward to some more good trail racing.
High five from Josh Gilbert at the finish line

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